Saturday, January 30, 2010


Welcome again readers, last post was centuries ago, so i apologize for the delay of the rules xD, i have a excuse jeje, school will take all my time, so it devours all my time u.u
also i had some sentimental problems last 2 weeks so i was not in the mood
well here are the rules
  1. RULES 1 & 2 to teh internets apply here, so if you know them obey them, if you dont, you are missing not important stuff
  2. Comments, both good and bad are welcome, dont be afraid to saher your opinion
  3. If i say dont touch it, DONT TOUCH IT
  4. Make this blog spread like cancer (get the metaphore)
  5. Images made by you are also welcome, and aslo ideas for names, whenever i need
Ok so the main rules
there are not so many, so try to follow them xD
I still want you to spread this blog, so tell your geek friends about it
NExt post: main plot
so stay tune xD

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