Thursday, July 22, 2010


Due to some things I have compromised (actually an attempt to get greedy and a party XD) the post that was going to be posted tomorrow will be posted next sunday or monday.
The reason? I´m becoming greedy and want more money XD, and I´m having a party on saturday at nigth, so maybe I could post on sat. but it is risky, ´cause I wanna go to the party jeje.
So wait until sunday XD

Friday, July 16, 2010

Unit Status

Damn I missed friday posts ,lol.

Okay, so this post is about unit status, and I can guess you are "WTF is this?", so if you aren´t familiar with Status concept, please go and play the first RPG game, I suggest JRPG might develop this concept on your minds.
Anyways, the status are like "points" that have importance in your quest. Okay I´m not explaining myself as I wished, but I´ll try my best to explain those without the concept of Status.
Well maybe I´m a little bit paranioc, so at this point I infer everyone knows the concept of Status (jesus I fail at failing).

I´ll explain each one briefly, making post in the future for each one of them:

  • HEALTH (HLTH): This status measures your "life", the main status you must have in mind, it´s affected, and changed by attacks and life recovery items.
  • STAMINA (STMN): The status everyone might hate, because it lowers any of your status, depending on the Class and the characteristics of the character, ussualy lowers attack and health
  • ATTACK (ATTK): This status represents how many force you do in one blow, hit, swing etc. etc.
  • SPECIAL ATTACK (SPAK): This status actually is a "multiplier", it means, ads the number stated on the status, or multiplies it, again, it depends on the character or Class. Also increases attack when the type of weapon you are using against the one you are attacking
  • STRENGHT (STGH): This status is also a "multiplier", but it also lets you grab more weapons, or refoge those about to be broken.
  • DEFENCE (DEFN): The status that lowers the enemy´s attack force
  • SPECIAL DEFENCE (SPDE): This status creates a great defence when the weapon you are using has advantage over the one that attacks you. Is also a multiplier
  • RESISTANCE (RSTN): The status that makes you endure a battle while rising your defence.
  • SPEED (SPED): This status while it gets higher, there are more posibilities you may attack first in a battle, and how much you can get combos.
  • AGILITY (AGLT): This status is another multiplier for combo making, and to learn more skills with any weapon.
  • EVASIVENESS (EVSN): The status that if higher, there are more posibilities that you evade or dodge and attack.
  • ACCURACY (ACCY): This status miltiplies the chances you connect a hit, and makes you fail less attacks.
  • CRITICAL HIT RADIO (CHRD): This status has a percentage meter, the more percentage you have, the more chances to blow a "critical damage" on an enemy, you get.
  • STRONG HIT RADIO (SHRD): The status that also as a percentage, rises the chances you blow a "strong damage" on an enemy, actually this hit radio applies, for every "X damage" you blow on an attack, except for the critical.
Okay so this post was better than I expected, Thanks for reading and hope to have banner next week. Stay tuned because next post i will explain my theory of "rock paper scisors" for Arkane Magic.
See you!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Finally I have the precious internet back!
Long it has been since I used to get on my chair, and write blog entry, and today I´ll just let you know that the 3 months without internet, were worth of not having.
So... new thing I shall upload to blog:
  • Banner
  • Unit class
  • More images
  • More plot
So stay tuned for friday update :D

Saturday, July 3, 2010


ok so no one is actually seeing this blog <.<
anyways, still no internet on home so its difficult to deliver more info about game
tho its bad in this sense, its good in imaginating more things and developing the game interface (yeah <.<), so i wont say stay tunned cuz no one is tunned -.-