Thursday, July 22, 2010


Due to some things I have compromised (actually an attempt to get greedy and a party XD) the post that was going to be posted tomorrow will be posted next sunday or monday.
The reason? I´m becoming greedy and want more money XD, and I´m having a party on saturday at nigth, so maybe I could post on sat. but it is risky, ´cause I wanna go to the party jeje.
So wait until sunday XD

Friday, July 16, 2010

Unit Status

Damn I missed friday posts ,lol.

Okay, so this post is about unit status, and I can guess you are "WTF is this?", so if you aren´t familiar with Status concept, please go and play the first RPG game, I suggest JRPG might develop this concept on your minds.
Anyways, the status are like "points" that have importance in your quest. Okay I´m not explaining myself as I wished, but I´ll try my best to explain those without the concept of Status.
Well maybe I´m a little bit paranioc, so at this point I infer everyone knows the concept of Status (jesus I fail at failing).

I´ll explain each one briefly, making post in the future for each one of them:

  • HEALTH (HLTH): This status measures your "life", the main status you must have in mind, it´s affected, and changed by attacks and life recovery items.
  • STAMINA (STMN): The status everyone might hate, because it lowers any of your status, depending on the Class and the characteristics of the character, ussualy lowers attack and health
  • ATTACK (ATTK): This status represents how many force you do in one blow, hit, swing etc. etc.
  • SPECIAL ATTACK (SPAK): This status actually is a "multiplier", it means, ads the number stated on the status, or multiplies it, again, it depends on the character or Class. Also increases attack when the type of weapon you are using against the one you are attacking
  • STRENGHT (STGH): This status is also a "multiplier", but it also lets you grab more weapons, or refoge those about to be broken.
  • DEFENCE (DEFN): The status that lowers the enemy´s attack force
  • SPECIAL DEFENCE (SPDE): This status creates a great defence when the weapon you are using has advantage over the one that attacks you. Is also a multiplier
  • RESISTANCE (RSTN): The status that makes you endure a battle while rising your defence.
  • SPEED (SPED): This status while it gets higher, there are more posibilities you may attack first in a battle, and how much you can get combos.
  • AGILITY (AGLT): This status is another multiplier for combo making, and to learn more skills with any weapon.
  • EVASIVENESS (EVSN): The status that if higher, there are more posibilities that you evade or dodge and attack.
  • ACCURACY (ACCY): This status miltiplies the chances you connect a hit, and makes you fail less attacks.
  • CRITICAL HIT RADIO (CHRD): This status has a percentage meter, the more percentage you have, the more chances to blow a "critical damage" on an enemy, you get.
  • STRONG HIT RADIO (SHRD): The status that also as a percentage, rises the chances you blow a "strong damage" on an enemy, actually this hit radio applies, for every "X damage" you blow on an attack, except for the critical.
Okay so this post was better than I expected, Thanks for reading and hope to have banner next week. Stay tuned because next post i will explain my theory of "rock paper scisors" for Arkane Magic.
See you!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Finally I have the precious internet back!
Long it has been since I used to get on my chair, and write blog entry, and today I´ll just let you know that the 3 months without internet, were worth of not having.
So... new thing I shall upload to blog:
  • Banner
  • Unit class
  • More images
  • More plot
So stay tuned for friday update :D

Saturday, July 3, 2010


ok so no one is actually seeing this blog <.<
anyways, still no internet on home so its difficult to deliver more info about game
tho its bad in this sense, its good in imaginating more things and developing the game interface (yeah <.<), so i wont say stay tunned cuz no one is tunned -.-

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


stupid internet went off yesterday >.<
thats my face when i saw the modem off
so i cant upload more images to the blog system
or anything else
so as soon as i have internet back at home i will deliver more pics
so see ya


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Im happy with how blog is going :D
and that is because...
I HAVE ANOTHER FOLLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah im talking about kira jeje
this means this blog is reaching more people n_n
so thanks to kira for joining this blog
and i ask you to tell friends, preferably geeks and gamers XD, to visit this blog so they could give me ideas, and more importantly, you can give ideas :D
so here´s and image of my favourite videogame n_n THE LEGEND OF ZELDA :D
so see ya on friday!"

Friday, May 14, 2010

Book of Prophecies

there was a time when all the elements of the world were at peace...

water rule the oceans and rivers and gave the shape of blue
fire kingdom birth from the deep of earth from volcano
earth was all living matter designed by the mountains
wind was the nature and the spirit of this world
light was the sun and purity upon the land
dark was the shadow when the night came
thunder was the raging power of the nature
ice became the ruler of the frozen north lands
poison was the weapon to control humankin
psichyc became the minds of the humankind to control the world upon us

those were great times ho they were..
but soon, as the humankin grew more and more, with science advances
the elements had to put order and balance in the world

soon the elements became part of a force unknown to people
this advanced knowledge was soon named "Magic"
the wise and the esoterics achieved to control this "magic"

each town and tribe whom attached the magic to its culture
soon became the original element bearers
those who wanted the power must be of the tribe
or train to become one of them

those tribes and towns where of acient times
the arkanes from human civilization
as arkane means old
soon these knowledge and power was named as

Arkane Magic...

The town of arkados was the home of the first arkane council
where the arkanes decided the fate of the world
and how humankin had to train to become one of them
after a long and great speech
those with the magic decided to make temples
temples where those who wanted to become arkanes
had to take a trip to the temples and gain the power and knowledge

So then...
the water temple was edified under the seas on the neptune archipielago
the fire temple was built on the raging volcano on the region today know as Ignatos
the earth temple was shaped on a mountain in the bandlands of Tarecia
the wind temple was launched upon the sky.. some say.. above Rozeta
the light temple shows itself at noon in the pure plateu of Vaticus
the sadow temple shows at midnight where shadows raom freely in Avernakle
the thunder temple was made in the city of New Port Baleros, on Ambar
The ice temple is located at the last reach of humanity.. the northen lands of Midgard
the poison temple was built pruposely on a graveyard of Chernok
and lastly
the psichyc temple was built as its acient name was held.. vodoo island

so be it the elements at their temples
waiting for more people to become as one with the elements..

I as an anonymous person.. have decided to make this book
as a proof of my visions.. wich have to do with the fate of this world
i shall call myself the Prophet, because i shall put my prophecies upon this book
so if someone finds this fine piece of knowledge
you shall overcome to many thing you could not be prepared to
farewell to whom had grabbed this book
make this power not fall on the hands of those with evil hearths...

. . .

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Ok, so I edited the entry, if someone didnt noticed it

well well, i made this drawing at school (actually the only thing i did) so here it is:

Those are Sages. While making the drawing thought of the ranks upon magic, so magic will be used by those ranks (from lower to higher power)
  • Magician: the basic spellcaster
  • Arkane magician: normal magician on the game (most towns will use these magicians for defense)
  • Sage: a powerfull magician who knows a lot from its element (basically Joe is one of these, trying to become the last rank)
  • Arkane Sage: the last rank to reach the full arkane power, There are only 10 Arkane sages, each one per element, making one arkane sage of water, one of fire, etc..
so theres the picture i promised, so see ya next friday
and remember to send ideas :D

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hello bloggers...
i know its not friday ¬¬, but id like to announce something you might like:
  • Twitter: now with technology in our hands, i will devel0p a twitter for Arkane Magic, i just need to get more images for the game, and i will make a twitter and you can follow both RSS and Tweets
  • Blogger: i need to take advice of a friend to make banners and make blog look cool, tho i need images -.-
  • Facebook: many of you who might visit this will have a facebook, well, in a year or year and half i will have group and fan site for A.M.
And i beg to you again... PLEEASEE MAKE THIS BLOG SPREAD TO MANY PEOPLE, i need lot of ideas for this project. So one who follow this blog: at least send the link via email, i would appreciate it.

Nothing more to say, i shall leave. See ya on friday

Friday, April 30, 2010

Sketch of Dolver

Hello again bloggers, today is 30th Arpil (yay kids day on México, MÉXICO FTW) lol, so i will keep my word of uploading at least each friday something new, so here it is.
This drawing its the first great thing i made actually, so i didnt knew how to draw torsos, faces, hands, i just know how to draw buildings from perspective... yeah only thing i knew before making this project, and basic face making, so i hope you dont think this is not so cool.
anyways here is the image

(click to see bigger)

so im leaving for the week, hoping a new desing for water symbol, another drawign (or maybe two :D), and many other things. So keep telling friends about this blog!.
see ya!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Plot (part 1)

sorry guys following this blog, or if anyone new gets in here... i havent had time to upload nothing T.T school is eating me, and i dont want to get bad on school, because if i fail at school, i cant go to College and never develop arkane magic, making this blog useless, so sorry to those who are there waiting this blog to reborn XD.
anyways here is the plot: (btw while im not doing anything im thinking of the game XD)

A cloudy day on Dolver, typical from the biggest city in the world. No one knew what could happen that day
Joe, a boy from the downtown, was at the park hanging around. Suddenly, his tutor [Name needed] appeared across the street. He walked with a strange aura, apparently relief by the sight of Joe. This old man, with his black and shiny hat, his old jacket waving with the breeze that blewed, and his book that no one knew what is it of. He aproched Joe and talked, he toold Joe they must leave Dolver as soon as possible, because their lifes were in serious danger. Joe didnt belived this nosense, but as soon as the clouds began to broke in storm, Joe jad no option but to leave. His master leaved faster and told Joe to meet him by the Black Docks, a feared place for the townsfolk of Dolver. These docks where famous by the people aboarding and disembarking ships; pirates, mercenaries, sailors, marines, buchaners, Royal cruisers and bandits where upon that shore. Joe now is not aware that the world is on great danger... and he is the only one that can change that...

Ok so this is part of the main plot of the game, you would be controlling Joe, also if you dont like this name feel free to name it other way and let me know. (if you cant click the link just copypasta) there ill upload my drawings bout the game so sneak a little on my deviant, but that doesnt means i wont upload here images, it´s even more great i will upload best images related with the post :D
I will make the possible thing to upload constantly at least once a week, so see ya next friday.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Welcome again readers, last post was centuries ago, so i apologize for the delay of the rules xD, i have a excuse jeje, school will take all my time, so it devours all my time u.u
also i had some sentimental problems last 2 weeks so i was not in the mood
well here are the rules
  1. RULES 1 & 2 to teh internets apply here, so if you know them obey them, if you dont, you are missing not important stuff
  2. Comments, both good and bad are welcome, dont be afraid to saher your opinion
  3. If i say dont touch it, DONT TOUCH IT
  4. Make this blog spread like cancer (get the metaphore)
  5. Images made by you are also welcome, and aslo ideas for names, whenever i need
Ok so the main rules
there are not so many, so try to follow them xD
I still want you to spread this blog, so tell your geek friends about it
NExt post: main plot
so stay tune xD

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Hello there fellow bloggers and surfers of the internet, this blog will be about a project i have been making over the last year, so mainly details
  • Videogame, RPG and JRPG styles combination
  • Project name: Arkane Magic (yeah cuz maybe can change name xD)
  • Will need your help for fresh ideas cause they sometimes ran off me <.<, so ill probaly ask to gve ideas, and ones wich i like, the posters will have a special place in credits (when game is done of course XD)
So its some main basis for this blog to work xD, will also post rules, but from now EVERYBODY can give ideas to this blog, they are all welcome...

Now on first help from you xD..
the game basis are on 10 elements (water, fire, wind, earth, light, dark, ice, thunder, posion and voodoo [psychic]) and im making symbols for these elements, and every element has a decorative thing so.. the help is to improve the symbols and help me to get an idea for earth symbol :S
  • WATER: represents a drop of water and the waves it creates when falling, so its ok like that, otherwise you think so, so might change desing or improve this one
  • FIRE: a fire flame with a good desing xD, so what more can i add or improve?
  • EARTH: help please D:
  • WIND: the rose of the winds with air currents by its side >.> cant be seen cuz i didnt remarked them, so add or improvement?
  • LIGHT: the rose-croix symbol , so i like this one but needs something else, ideas?
  • DARK: actually googled "Dark symbol" cuz i couldnt get one good symbol without using a pentagram o.o, so i googled ad a dark star appeared and i took the desing, and did a dark star.. kinda xD so ideas to improve or modify?
  • ICE: dont dare to touch it its perfect¬_¬ i wasted my whole brain cells to make the frozen effect on this snow cristal, so probably one or two ideas to make it even frezeer :3
  • THUNDER: actually i hate this desing <.< ideas to improve?
  • POISON: yeah the first image to come when heard te word posion is that skull, but improved with radiactive warning on eyes and biohazard one behind skull, probably imrpove it, ideas?
  • VOODOO: so as you can see illuminati and masons came to mi mind at psychic, althought its good still afraid that both masons and illuminatis wont want this symbol to get exposen, so new ideas for voodoo symbol are welcome (rather than a skull ¬¬) and new desing you must keep the eye, its so perfect (H)
ok so here are the images for the symbols as you can see, earth is empty so its priority # 1 and priority #2 its the voodoo symbol.
nothing more to say ill leave for today
(D: actually 12:05 am finishing post wooo its friday :D)